(So the Phoenix is out of the egg.... but the hunters are but seconds away!)
I am hoping to be able to post some pre-productions of my next upcoming animation soon. Details on next project will be released soon.
(So the Phoenix is out of the egg.... but the hunters are but seconds away!)
I am hoping to be able to post some pre-productions of my next upcoming animation soon. Details on next project will be released soon.
(An extreme far shot of a mountain that has been mined for silver)
Next update..... a big reveal to come!
(Blob reaches the top of the Mountain and is exhausted)
A post update about 'Blob and The Last Phoenix' will be coming soon!
(Blob has to bounce up a VERY large mountain! Much higher than any mountain in the land)
(The hunters Ermot (right) and Razza (Left) riding Beetlemanders. Large like-Lizard beetles, used to carry cargo or pull wagons. Rarely used as creatures for riding)
(However as Blobs chimmeny is to the far right of his house, it floated almost vertically)
Meanwhile the production of 'Blob and the last Phoenix' shuffles on whilst tackling college work, I am nearing the end of scene two:
(The Eel monster has a score to settle with 'Blob' and takes him for a ride!)
More updates and screenshots in the next few days, in the meantime go and watch UP if you have already watched it, go again!
My Youtube design has been refurbished and can be seen at www.youtube.com/menhenick
Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...