Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Fighting and Finales!

The Final Fantasy VII animation is 3/4 through the main fight scene where as 'The Master Of Time' Project approaches its final short scene. Which means that it will be out fairly soon. In the mean time I will let screenshots from the Final Fantasy VII project accompany you.

(Either very Brave or very stupid, Cid taunts the Monster)

(After a few attacks from the gang, the Monster gets angry!)

(The Monster isnt the only thing the gang need to look out for, Falling Icicles can be Hazardous)

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Fight Scene over half way complete!

The Fight Scene in 'Master Of Time' is over half way through completion. Spectre must still face the Time Master, if he can manage to get past the personal Guard. Here are some screenshots of the action:(Spectre makes use of his surroundings and pulls a chandelier from the ceiling )

(Spectre rushes at the The Master Of Times personal Guard)

Monday, 23 August 2010

Animated Short - Dragon ball Z style

I decided on the spur of the moment to produce a animated short, heavily inspired from Dragon Ball Z and the reality of having so much power to build up. Took only half a day to complete.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Art, web comics and all things good, from Borked Planet

Borked planet is the home to a great style of art, web comics and even an awesome shop! More exciting is the release of Borked Planet's upcoming webcomic 'Smellabell' which is due for release on September 3rd! To check out the site visit: http://www.borkedplanet.com/

Friday, 20 August 2010

Fight Scene Follow Up

Yep i'm still here animating both fight scenes on both projects, I have been able to take more screenshots of The Final Fantasy Project because it reveals less of the story, but i will have 'Master Of Time' screenshots up on next post.

(The Ganga being no strangers to fighting take on the Monster with Courage)

(The Monster 'Schizo' draws in power for its next attack)

'Master Of Time' update on next post!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Final Fantasy Fight Scene Update

I am in the midst of the Final Fantasy fan site animation, where I am animating the main fight scene of the film. It is going well so far and everything is falling into place as planned but it just takes time to complete a scene such as this. Here are two screenshots:

(The gang rush forward to fight the Giant creature)

(Barret shoots the back of the Monster while Red XIII hangs onto the tail)

Friday, 13 August 2010

Master Of time- Fight Scene

Animating progress has been slow for both projects, 'The Master Of Time' and 'Final Fantasy VII' as both are in detailed fight scenes with tricky poses. I have managed to take a unrevealing screenshot from the Master Of time, to keep people satisfied for the Moment. There may also be a short trailer out for the film in coming weeks.

(The Master Of Time's personal Guard 'Verity' is ready to protect her Master)

Plus I plan to upload some random artwork very soon, some Lillium related and some not.

Animated Advert - Law firm + Computer Crisis!

Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...