Friday, 25 November 2011

Screenshot galore, Screenshot Gore?!

I have completed another Scene (minus sound effects) of Episode 10, with 2 small scenes to go, I am rapidly approaching the end. As I have revealed, 2 characters WILL die *sad face*. To confuse/enrage/excite you viewers even more, here is 4 screen-shots of characters looking beat up after the blast:

 (Blob lays badly hurt)
 (Matt laughs off his injuries)
 (Monk has more injuries than most characters in this episode)
(It's a injured leg for Puddles)

1 comment:

Unsuspecting_Display_Name said...

whoa!! look at monks head wound :O
Everyone is so hurt in this ep, still dont know whos going to die, all though all evidence is pointing at monk :D

Animated Advert - Law firm + Computer Crisis!

Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...