Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Manga Details Revealed!

At last I am releasing details of my upcoming Manga! Chapter 1 is nearing completion and I hope it to be released sometime soon. 

Story Plot (very vague)

The story centers on a 19 year old guy called Asher. Who has a love of the natural world of Lillium and cherishes the creatures that man shares the planet with. He has come to learn that man and creature do not always get along, man is pushing the creatures out and killing them senselessly. It is the way the world of Lillium is becoming. 
Ashers strong sense of justice gets him in the way of other peoples business. However saving a few creatures from angry villagers won't be enough. Asher has been chosen. To unite the people and creatures of Lillium, like the days of old.

Here's the front cover for the Manga:

Monday, 16 April 2012

Projects Project Projects

The drum beat in my head 'Projects!' Whilst I await lines from a voice actor to continue onto Scene 4 for episode 11 of my Lillium series. I am busy making my life hectic with other projects.

The short project that I annoying shall not reveal yet is still underway and is reaching its epic section .. eek

(What kind of vehicle could this be?)

As well as continuing to create my Manga I am currently digitizing pages 5-10, expect to hear news of chapter 1's release sometime next week!

And finally good old freelance work that comes and goes without warning. Not too many details on this project yet, but it is a informational tutorial video:

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Projects: Sci fi? and Manga exert!

A short project that has yet to be revealed is already 30 seconds in, hoping to complete or almost complete by the the end of next week.

(Sci-fi looking..... we're certainly not in Lillium anymore)  

(Lillium Manga; details shall be released next post!)

Monday, 2 April 2012

New Venture, Manga!

Lots of animating still going on but one of my permanent side projects is going to be creating a Manga alongside the Lillium series. Taking us way back in time to Lillium where Blob has not yet come to being, in fact... none of the animated characters from the series are present in it... yet. The manga will be traditional black and white with a few colour pages here and there and will read from right to left.

Here is a sample of one of the colour pages.

Will have more details on plot and characters as progress continues. Also update on new animated short soon to come!

Animated Advert - Law firm + Computer Crisis!

Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...