(The Ferry doesn't allows animals so Matt must hide Puddles in his bag, however Puddles does not approve of this)
(The Ferry doesn't allows animals so Matt must hide Puddles in his bag, however Puddles does not approve of this)
Seeing as Blob is not in the film (...much) i thought it would be a good idea for Matt and Puddles to take over his introductory logo section in the film.
(Matt and Puddles sit and wait for their ferry to arrive)
And from Blob Corp. Animation Studios, to you!
(The Planet- Lillium. Home to Blob and many other characters, the planet is similar to that of earth but most of it has been untouched by man. Many areas of this world have been undiscovered)
(Outside of the City, in the Old Realm life goes on as normal. Only a few know of the small hidden city)
Updates on production of Scene 3 will be coming soon!
(Exiting the house, a last look back before Matt leaves)
Note: The new title banner features past, present and Future characters.
However it was the cat in the film called 'Jiji' who was the biggest inspiration in the film, his sarcastic attitude and great design really inspired the development of Puddles.
(One of the best sidekick characters Studio Ghibli have done so far!)
Screenshot update coming soon.
Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...