(The Crystal Fairy Chyun. This fairy is kept secret away from the world until our hero stumbles across her.)
More Information on next project and Matt and Puddles coming soon!
(The Crystal Fairy Chyun. This fairy is kept secret away from the world until our hero stumbles across her.)
More Information on next project and Matt and Puddles coming soon!
(Boro hands Matt a pair of goggles before take-off)
(Matt and Puddles getting hit by some serious wind!)
Now its onto the last scene of the film, scene 6. However that does not mean that the end is in sight, this scene has a lot of landscape animation with more flying and other niggly bits. Update on Scene 6 progress soon!
(Boro shows Matt a weird vehicle........)
My next post won't be for a little while now, but it will be the films official poster.
(Boro waits for Matt and Puddles to get in boat)
(An unhappy puddles in the boat, surrounded by water)
Lets start with the more pleasant news, I have recently completed a animation for a client. It is another animated advert showcasing a law ...